Sunday, April 14, 2013

medieval villages, hike and a party, April12

Today was full, wonderful and surprising!
We went with Heather for a full day of touring the Alpilles area of Provence, the little Alps.
The day was sunny and warm, about 75F or even warmer.  We started in Les Baux de Provence, a medieval village perched at the top of a mountain, about 2O minutes from Arles.  Now a tourist spot with only a population of about 350, it was a powerful place in the 1100s.  We wandered the little town and ate outside on a terrace in the sun with no jackets....and were hot!  It was called the Reine Jeanne.  I had a monstrous salad, Mark had fish with LOTS of garlic and Heather had citrus and chicken salad.  Each was 13€, which was not bad for where we were.

Then, we drove a few miles further to St Remy, where Van Gogh was voluntarily hospitalized in an asylum which is still in operation.  He painted 150 paintings there.  Nostradamus was also born at here and there are also Roman ruins, Glanun, but we did not visit.  But, we did have gelato!

To work off the gelato, we took a hike up, up, up to cliffs, made famous by Van Gogh.  It was challenging for me, but, I did not wuss out and made it to the top.  And, what a view....all the way to the sea and also to a mountain often climbed in the Tour de France.
To top the day, we went to Jerry's retirement party after 30 years of owning his own print shop.  It was well attended by his friends and customers.  You could see he is well loved.  Pizza, wine..... It was a good work out for my French which has really been improving.  It was wonderful to share the moment with Jerry.  Mark and I walked back over the Rhone to where we parked, quite a long way, especially as we missed our first turn!

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