Friday, April 26, 2013

festivals, Part Two, April 25

After lunch, we took a noisy vaporetto which was really low in the water, to another side of Venice, to San Michele, the cemetery island in the lagoon, only a few minutes ride from Venice.  It had  a church in the 10th century and a monastery in the 13th.  The Franciscans look after it still.  Most of the island, once you pass through the cloisters is Venice's cemetery.  Napoleon decreed there could be no more burials in Venice.  Most people are only buried for 10 years as space is at a premium.
Then, they are dug up and their bones put in ossuaries. If your family can afford to pay, you can stay longer!  We strolled for about half an hour...very quiet, kind of creepy.  And, the last vaporetto leaves at 6, and you would NOT want to be stranded!  (We left at 5:30 to be on the safe side!)

Then, we hopped back on the vaporetto for another short rode out to the island of Murano.  Their glass-blowing factories are its claim to fame.  The island was not crowded because of the time of year and because it was early evening.  It was incredibly pleasant to stroll along its canals. We saw beautiful glass, but mostly just wandered.

Then, we returned home and went out for pizza in our neighborhood.  I had eggplant; Mark had spicy sausage.

Not wanting to waste our vaporetto pass, we hopped back on and went to St Mark's where little bands and orchestras were playing.  The moon was full, so the aight of that over the Geand Canal and the chuches and palazzos was truly beautiful.   The square was mellow and fun and festive!  But, we could not get back on the vaporetto as it was so full, so we walked back home.   Whew!  A really full day!  

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