After several hours in the upper lakes, we took an electric, ecological boat to the Lower Lakes, where we had coffee and split a piece of apple strudel. Then, we hiked along the lakes and to the big waterfall, getting rather wet along the way. (Croatia must be like the US might have been before we were so safety and suing conscious....slippery boardwalks with water bubbling through as we walked right over waterfalls, few safety rails....quite refreshing actually, although we did watch our step!)
We walked mostly through virgin forests of beech, fir and spruce. We did not see the birds we thought we'd see, but did see a life bird for us, a Grey Wagtail, which was very cool, as well as a lot of trout and one water snake.
We hiked out of the gorge and got a shuttle back to the car....6 and a half hours....and, it was in the low 80s....a truly glorious day.
Then...back to the restaurant and the same nice waiter...this time we shared a lamb and pork roast, done on the grill. Four tour busses were also there - Italy, Latvian, Austria.... This is a big attraction and we saw many touring groups of Asians along the trails.