Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Zagreb, May 6

Before we went to bed last night, the door bell buzzed and the mother of the apartment owner, arrived with some sort of pastry as a present for us. It was very kind and rather moving as we were only there for 2 nights.

We drove today, mostly in rain. We stopped at a rest area which had a pretty impressive little cafe.  We got a bit lost in Zagreb as I wrote the wrong address into the GPS. But, after going through the city and then back again, we found the Holiday Hotel. But, we could not check in as the power was out.  So, we decided to go into the city to explore. It was one of our rare frustrating days.  We did not have a map, but followed signs to the center and parked, but only put in enough for an hour. We walked to the main square of the Lower Town, by a miracle and found the information center and got a map.  Even though we were incredibly hungry, we didn't eat because we didn't want a parking ticket, so we walked back to the car.  The information bureau told us there is free parking behind the train station. The GPS would not get us there, but we figured it out, again by a miracle, luck and common sense.  Then, we walked back to the main square and figured out where Nokturna Restaurant was, recommended by  R Steves.  By then, it was 5:45, rather a late lunch, but all ended well as the sun came out, and we ate outside.  Both of us had delicious pasta dinners.  We strolled a little in Upper Town, then caught a tram back to the train station.  The first 2 stops from the main square are free and the train station was just 2 stops.

 But then....back to the hotel....still no power.  We went to a nearby mall to think.  We were pretty sure that we would be looking for a new hotel and feeling tired and nervous about having no where to sleep.  But, luckily, around  7:30, the power came on.  Whew!

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