Sunday, May 19, 2013

Beaune to drop off, May 19

Last night we found out that two good friends were in Beaune when we were.....Stan saw our Facebook post of the market.  We were all there at the same time and they stayed at a hotel which we stood outside of for a while deciding where to eat.  Darn!  We'd have loved to have met up with them.

We left Beaune and drove on the motorway to Paris.  We stopped for a picnic en route.

For those of you who know Mark well, this is a typical Mark and Barbara story.  We did not have to return our car with gas, as we picked it up empty.  So, of course, we wanted to return it empty.  I, naturally, wanted to get  gas about 100 kilometers outside of Paris, but the car told us that we had 130 kilometers left.  So, " we" kept going.  About 30 kilometers from the airport, the computer started binging at us to fill up, followed by a message on the screen that the fuel was too low.  So, in congestion now, we had to pull off for gas in crowded streets. Eventually, we found a station and  cobbled together our coins and took €5.23 in coins, many of them very small, into the gas station.  The guy was irritated, but I told him it was still "monnaie".

We made it to Charles de Gaulle airport, but then, we got a bit lost.  We could see the Sheraton at terminal 2, but could NOT find an entrance.  Mark parked illegally at the train statinwhile I ran into the terminal for help. Luckily, I found the hotel lobby easily and they gave me directions.   So, after one more missed turn, we got to the hotel and unloaded.
Then, we got back in the car and had another spot of difficulty finding the drop off for the car, the terminal having changed its signs from the directions we had.  Meanwhile, the car was dinging at us about more gas!  But, we got there after calling Peugeot on the phone.  Two very nice guys checked us and we got a lift back to the hotel.  The hotel charges £19 for Internet in the room, so we, of course, are using the free wi fi in the lobby. We had cheap Pizza Hut food.  There are no good restaurants at the airport, unlike most airports these days...and this is Paris, a culinary capital..what a mistake.

We really liked our leased Peugeot and were sorry to say goodbye!

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