Sunday, May 5, 2013

Zadar, May 5

We had hoped for a beach day today...even bought some beach shoes for the stones and pebbles.  But, we woke to chilly, overcast weather.  So, we drove into Zadar and had coffee by the marina. We met some Americans for Syracuse, NY, a couple with their granddaughter.  He was born in Zadar and visits yearly.  We also met two Croat teachers and also had a chat about teaching and the lack of teacher status.
 Afterwards we just walked the city.  It is less restored and less beautiful than Dubrovnik, but accessible and more "beachy".  Zadar was settled in prehistoric times.  The Liburnians laid out a city here in the 9th century BCE.  It was absorbed by Rome and there are some Roman ruins.  It has been part of the Byzantine Empire.  The Venetians devastated the city during the Fourth Crusade.  It was part of the Hapsburg Empire.  It has been Italian several times.  It was part of Italy in World War II and bombed heavily by the Allies.  It was also cut off from the rest of Croatia during the more recent civil war and under siege.  Like in Dubrovnik, the evidence is all around.

Then we came back to the apartment, made salad and are going to read, do email, pay bills and Skype with Michael, Nancy and Michelle.

We took a walk after the rain let up.  The photos are from that.

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