Sunday, April 17, 2011

Windy Day along the Mediterranean....

Today was sunny, but the wind was persistent with a nip to it.  Michael and Nancy got up and went to the local church for Palm Sunday.  They came and got us to see the procession of the statue around a few of the blocks, which was very interesting. They had very elaborate palm fronds.

Later we went in to explore Torrevieja, an old port.  The population is 13% British ex-pats.  As it is Holy Week, it was fairly crowded. We walked through an open air market; I bought an English-Spanish dictionary.

We drove back along the salt collection areas, something for which the area is famous.

Mark, Michael and I watched some bocci, or boules in the village square.  Mark made a delicious shepherd's pie.  We are hoping that the weather improves so that we will be able to sit on the beach.

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