Thursday, April 14, 2011

Julia's 20th, the Prado, Flamenco....and upset stomachs

Today, the weather was amazing - sunny, blue skies and about 80 degrees.  After a wonderful breakfast, a la Mark, the White Clan split up to visit different museums.  The Florida contingent went to check out the Picasso Museum (Reina Sophia) and Guernica, while Mark and I headed for the Prado.

Mark and I stayed for about 3 hours.  It was great; we rented headphones which were well worth the 3.5 Euros we paid.  The highlights of the day - Hieronymous Bosch and the Velasquez in my opinion.  By some strange happenstance, in one of the rooms, we ran into a couple we had met in Avila!  (from Brooklyn.)  We had coffee in the middle of the day to give our feet, and brains, a rest.

Then, we walked back to the apartment and were joined shortly thereafter by the rest of the group.  Michael had purchased a chocolate ice-cream cake and we sang for Julie's birthday.

Then - off to Flamenco dancing at a theatre at the Plaza del Carmen, a short walk.  It was fabulous!  Four of us had to move in order to see as a really tall family sat in front of us.  But, the dancing was amazing.  We all thoroughly enjoyed it.  And, it was only 15 Euros each in a small theatre with 3 musicians and a singer, too.  So, it was a concert, as well as dancing.

After that, we strolled back to the Calle Huertas and ate outdoors at the Ginger Restaurant, which had been recommended by the Tourist Information Bureau.  Unfortunately, Michelle, Nancy and I all had a salmon, spinach strudel and all were sick.  Michael and Mark had to go to the pharmacy to get something to settle our stomachs.  The rest of the gang had sparking wine from the Loire Valley and toasted to Julia.

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