Thursday, April 14, 2011

Onto Madrid!

We had a rather rocky start to the day.  There was no hot water in the parador and the water was the color of rust.  ugh.  So - no showers.  We ate breakfast and packed. The management was pretty unconcerned about the lack of water and only took off 15 Euros each from the room price. 

By a miracle, Mark managed to find the parking garage in Madrid near to the flat at 8 Carretas, (Apt 202) near the Puerta Del Sol.  We did not have a map!  And, I had written directions from Google directions, but missed a fork in a tunnel and got totally off the map's directions.  Mark drove in bumper-to-bumper traffic and we couldn't find any signs to familiar spots, such as the Plaza Mayor or the Puerta del Sol.  Nevertheless, using the Rick Steve's tourist map, we eventually did find the place.  The Force was definitely with us.  (Unfortunately, the car costs 30 Euros a day to park!)

We were let in the apartment by someone from Spain Select. The apartment is quite nice, but the internet only works on Nancy's computer, so it is a pain.  Julia and Michelle had arrived in Madrid shortly before us, and Michael and Nancy went to meet them at a Starbuck's.  We had to discreetly let them into the flat as we were only supposed to be four people.  The girls will sleep in the living room for 2 nights. 

After settling in, we walked around and got familiar with the neighborhood.  We are in a FABULOUS location!  We got some food at El Cortes Ingles as well as sandwiches at a place where everything was one Euro. 

Later, Michael, Michelle, Nancy and I walked around and got tickets for flamenco for tomorrow night to help celebrate Julia's 20th birthday.  We went to the Plaza Mayor and happened upon a German military swing band playing for free. They were really, really good.  For a while, there was a female vocalist singing Michael Jackson songs - she was excellent and had the crowd hopping.  She was followed by an amazing saxophonist.  So, it was a real treat.

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