Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Wolfsberg, Austria, April 30, May 1

  After another good breakfast at the hotel, we left Ljubljana.
  As our drive was not going to be too long, we decided on a short detour to see the famous Lake Bled. We were happy that we had an early start because of the traffic. There really is just one way in and one way out and lots of tour busses.
   We parked briefly by the shore in a 10 Euro per day parking spot, but the parking attendant said we could stay for 10 minutes, long enough to walk down to the lake and take some photos.
   On our way out of town, we continued our quest for a Slovenian ski hat for Jecca. There were NONE to be had in Ljubljana. We'd especially have loved a Tina Maze hat, but....she is retired and there were none of those either, especially as it is after ski season. But, we thought we'd give it another try at our last stop in Slovenia.
   By a miracle, Mark found a parking spot, probably an illegal one and just for locals. So, he stayed in the car and Barbara ran to a few shops. By sheer happenstance, she saw a tiny one just before she was returning to the car. And...yes, there were ski hats actually made in Slovenia. Success!
   We resisted the temptation to try the famous Bled cream cakes as we had an ample breakfast and were full, plus..who really needs cream cakes?
   Shortly after Bled, we entered Austria. We went through a series of impressive and massive tunnels. The longest was almost 8 kilometers long.
    We arrived outside of Wolfberg and are staying at the Hotel Gasthof Stoff. It is an idyllic setting in the foothills of the mountains. We can see snow-covered peaks in the distance, but the hills here are green and look like out of The Sound of Music. The lilacs are all in bloom as are the fruit trees.
    The guesthouse is family-run. It has a large indoor pool and a steam room and sauna. Our room is spacious and has a balcony where we are looking at nearby cows and they are looking at us and making lowing noises.
    We took a short drive into Wolfsberg and walked around. We got some things for a late lunch/early dinner, including some just-cooked sausage that was delicious. Then we took a steam bath, our first ever. We thought that maybe it would help our colds which are in our sinuses, throats and chests. Then, we sat around the pool and watched some youngsters having a swim lesson.
   That was enough for our day. Reading, blogging, emailing is enough for two travelers with colds.

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