Wednesday, May 30, 2018

West Wickham, Part 2 May 27, 28

 We had two beautiful days in a row.
  On the 27th, Chris, Katrina, Connor and Barbara went to Horniman's museum in the afternoon. (Lewis and Walshie went to Horsham with Walshie's parents to a car show.)
   They toured the museum and also went into the new Butterfly House which was very interesting. Butterflies only live about a week. And, we saw some new butterflies emerging from their pupa. They take about 2 hours to dry their wings. Then, the staff lets them out and in a few minutes, they take off.
  Later, all 12 of us met for dinner. It was nice enough to eat in the garden and we had another feast.
   The next day, the 28th, there was a family expedition/picnic to Crystal Palace where we sat by the playground and basked in the sunlight.
   And, later, we all gathered for another big family dinner. And, again the weather cooperated and we were able to sit outside.

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