Sunday, May 27, 2018

Streatham, Clare, Part 3, May 20

   Another gorgeous sunny day in London.
   We met Clare Aucterlonie for lunch at the Northwood pub. She moved back to the U.K. in March to look for a job. By amazing happenstance, she has been staying with friends in Streatham, of all places. So, she took the bus and we walked to the pub. She had good news as she starts a job on Tuesday as an Administrative Assistant and will be in the vicinity of the Barbican. The next big task is working on Chris's visa as he cannot come over from the U.S. until she's on the job for a bit. Anyhow, we sat in the garden of the pub and chatted for quite a while. Then, she expressed interest in the West Norwood Cemetery which was very close.
It is one of the "Magnificent Seven" cemeteries of London with historical, architectural and ecological interest. It has a famous collection of sepulchral monuments, including a large section of Greek Orthodox monuments including a replica of the Parthenon. It is weird that we went to one of the other Magnificent Seven cemeteries, Nunhead, just yesterday.
   Shirley, meanwhile, went to a rehearsal for a singing event that she will be in later in the year - at the Royal Albert Hall!
   She came home in time for a barbecue in the garden in the sun. Pete made a plethora of salad offerings and grilled sausages and hamburgers. Sue brought some cole slaw and we sat and chatted away. It was another lovely day.

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