Sunday, March 25, 2018

Walking Paris, Meeting a former student

Today was a lovely, lovely day. It started grey, but ended up sunny and in the 50s. We shed our warm clothes for the first time.
  After eating what was left from our dinner, we headed no particular direction. First, we walked the perimeter of the Ile St. Louis. Wow. Then, we went toward the Bastille and walked that area. We got a bit lost and wandered through bits of the 3rd arrondisement. We eventually found the Rue de Rivoli and walked to the Hotel de Nice where we stayed with Nick and Jecca when they were little.
(1981 or 82?) We stayed there a few times after that, but it has become too expensive for us. There was a nice open market across from the hotel where we got some cheddar cheese (I think) and some more brie, as well as 2 tomatoes. Later, we got a baguette.
     We came back to the flat for a little rest and organizing and laundry doing. Then, we met former drama student from Nantucket High School, Becky Cavannaugh, an talented singer who had the major parts in The Boyfriend and Guys and Dolls. Becky has English and American citizenship with parents from both countries and did her early education in England. She has been living in Paris for 11 years. Her husband has a school of rock in both Brooklyn and in Paris and Becky teaches at the Parsons School of Design's Paris campus, as well as doing translating work.
    She and her 10-month old, Simon, met us at the St. Regis restaurant at the end of the Ile St. Louis. Mark and Becky had duck leg confit and Sarlat potatoes. Excellent. Barbara had a chicken fillet Caesar Salad. Then, we walked to Berthillon Ice Cream, one of the most famous in the world and made on the Ile St. Louis. Flavors had: white chocolate, pear, peach. All pronounced delicious.
    We walked with Becky back through Le Marais and to the Place des Vosges where she left us and walked home.
      The Place des Vosges, the oldest planned square in Paris. (1605-1612) It was one of the most expensive squares in Paris in the 17th and 18th centuries and one of the reasons the Marais became fashionable for the nobility of Paris. Cardinal Richelieu lived there, Victor Hugo lived there, among others.
     Then, we walked home with a break to sit along the Seine in front of our apartment. (Which we cannot see - we look out over rooftops)
     Dinner consisted of bread, tomato and cheese.
     Then - out for a walk in the evening to the Ile de la Cite and Notre Dame. Then, over to the West Bank which was crowded and then walked back home.

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