Monday, March 1, 2010

Strolling around Santa Fe - Day 19

Today we strolled around the Plaza area of Santa Fe which was very pleasant, although cold. The car had to have snow scraped off it today. But, the sun did come out, so it wasn't bad. We visited the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum which was very nice. However, while it has 12,000 pieces of her work, they only display a small number in just four galleries, which was a little disappointing.

We ate at the famous Harry's Roadhouse which Mark saw on "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." It was good and worth going to.

We then had a comedic afternoon trying to find a movie theater. We wanted to go to a 4 p.m. showing of Sherlock Holmes, but drove and drove and wandered and wandered, got directions twice....and, never found it. We gave up, went back to the hotel and did a map quest on the computer. We set out early for a 7 p.m. show. But, we still could not find it! We knew we were close, but....And, finally, just about as we were to throw in the towel, we did find it. It was small and poorly lit, but...we enjoyed the movie.

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