Saturday, February 27, 2010

Driving Across Kansas and a visit to Dorothy's house! arrival Santa Fe Day 17 and 18

Day 17 Sunny, driving day. The temperature actually hit 59...about time.
We drove about 440 miles to Liberal, Kansas. The land got flatter and drier. Liberal has about 20,000 people. We cruised, but there is not much to see. We went to a pretty tacky tourist spot - Dorothy's house where I got a postcard to send to Jecca who was an Oz fan growing up.
Day 18 The deserted panhandle of Oklahoma---drove 83 miles without seeing a single car in front or behind me.
We saw, and smelled, lots of dead skunks. Who knew that skunks lived in the prairies? We always thought that they lived in the woods. Adaptable little beasts. We also saw two herd of antelope; one herd bounded across the road. As we got into New Mexico, it began to snow and we worried a bit about a storm. But, the snow remained as flurries and did not stick as the weather had been warm. As we came into New Mexico, the terrain got hillier and prettier.

We are in The Sage Inn in Santa Fe. Mark got a great deal for $45 per night. We are about a mile out of the center of town. Luckily, it is Restaurant Week here. So, we went to Maria's Mexican Kitchen for $25.00 for two and had a fabulous meal. Way too much food. Posole for appetizers for both of us; chile relleno for Mark (hot - his forehead was sweating!) chicken enchilada for me; flan (yum!!!) for me for dessert and a cinnamon custard dish whose name I have forgotten for Mark for dessert (yummm!) We drove around and got the lay out of Santa Fe which is very cool, very pretty. Unfortunately, it has started to snow again.

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