Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Restaurant Week in Santa Fe, continued! Day 20

Today we focused on food, food, food! We started out at a lecture/sampling at Epazote, a wonderful restaurant. The chef, Fernando Olea, hosted along with Chef Lois Ellen Frank from Red Mesa. It was amazing! The focus was tacos, but tacos as you have never had them before - totally gourmet, totally local, organic ingredients. Chef Frank is a Navajo who called upon local ingredients, including the best tortillas we have ever had - mesquite tortilla was amazing. The desert was homemade vanilla ice cream with prickly pear sauce (yum!) and pumpkin sauce. We bought Chef Frank's book on tacos. The book's proceeds go entirely toward the local National Parks. She is on a campaign to have only local food sold in the national parks. As she said, it is silly to get Maryland crab at the Grand Canyon. The event lasted from 11:15 - 2:15, so was quite an experience.

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