Saturday, March 27, 2010

Family Tree Updated in L.A. - Day 46

Today we met Clare A., my second cousin, once removed. We met Clare only once before, when she was only about 7 when we visited England. She is now 36, and the daughter of Susan and Andre. Susan's Dad and my Mom were first cousins. Clare and I met via Facebook. Clare married Chris A., an American and they live in L.A. and work for They picked us up for lunch and we went to Redondo Beach and ate at a lovely restaurant, sitting outside. Then, we went to their lovely apartment within walking distance of the Redondo Beach Pier. We chatted a lot and Clare showed me all the hard work she has done on our family tree, including documents like census records. It was all very fascinating and I have learned a lot about the family. Then, we all walked along the pier before they dropped us back at our hotel. It was a lovely, lovely day.

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