Monday, September 18, 2023

West Wickham Weekend, Sept 15-17

   Friday, 9/15

55 Goodhart Way

We left 70 Cambridge Gardens and took the underground to Charing Cross and then a train to West Wickham. It took about 2 hours, partly because of a delay on the train. Annie met us at the station and we had a lovely chat in the garden at 55 Goodhart Way. (Chris and Ken were out.) She told us all about her painting business and how happy she is doing it. Ken, Mark and Barbara went to pick 9-year-old Connor up at his primary school.

Ken, Barbara and Connor played some lawn tennis.

Barbara and Connor playing lawn tennis

From left: Connor, Adam, Lewis, Ewan

Eventually, a group gathered for a lovely dinner in the garden as the weather was beautiful.  

This included almost-16 Ewan, 14-year old Lewis, 11-year old Adam and 9-year old Connor. Also: Katrina, Walshie and Annie, plus, of course, Chris and Ken. 

Saturday 9/16

  Another gorgeous day. We had a lovely brunch at Katrina's house. It is the first time we have seen their new house. Katrina and Annie with help from Chris put on a big spread complete with bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, fruit, quiche etc. There were 12 of us, so a big job.

   In the afternoon, all the males, except Walshie, went to the Bromley football club to see a match, which Bromley won.

    Meanwhile, Chris, Barbara, Katrina and Annie went for a walk in the woods.

12 people eating fish and chips!

     We all ate at a fish and chip shop on the West Wickham High Street; it was excellent and a good time was had by all.

Sunday, Sept 17

The day started for us with Ken taking us to the football pitches where town leagues play. We watched Connor play on the Beckenham team in the 9 year-old group. He is easy to pick out as he's the tallest on the team.
Connor, "Player of the Match"

Connor did well and scored the first (and only goal) for his team. He got player of the match.
Connor, Ewan-at football match on Saturday in Bromley

Cousins in the woods

     Then we all converged to take the train into London. Four of us got on at West Wickham and the others got on at Eden Bridge. (Lewis and Walshie had gone for the day to a car racing track near Gatwick.) We got off on the south side of the Thames, but had to trek over to the other side to catch the river bus. It was quite a bit of walking. Just as we all boarded, it started to rain, but we were nicely inside.

Annette and Katrina making brunch on Saturday

     We got off at the completely renovated and repurposed Battersea Power Station. 

     By then, it was past lunch time and people were hungry. As none of us knew the layout or where there was a food court, it took a bit of time and discussion to figure out where to eat.  In the end, some of us went to a central arcade and ordered from a variety of places and others went to a burger joint. Afterwards, we wandered a bit into shops etc. We left around 4:30 and tried to find a bus home, but couldn't find the bus stop, so went by underground by a complicated route, back, footsore.

Ewan and Annette

The "gang" at Bromley Power Station

      Years ago, Mark gave Ewan a $5 and told him that, if he kept it till we returned, it would be doubled. When we saw him again, Mark said he would double it again and given a similar gift to Lewis. This time, both boys had their money which is quite amazing to have done, especially with Lewis having moved from one house to another. So, Mark paid both boys. Then, he gave dollar bills to the younger two - Adam and Connor with the same deal. 

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