Saturday, September 23, 2023

London to Paris, Sept 22, 23

 Sept 22

Chris and Ken at Fez Mangal, a Turkish restaurant

Our last full day in London was split between packing and cleaning, as well as with Chris and Ken. They met us here at our flat and, after a cuppa, we went to the Turkish restaurant on Ladbroke Grove Road. We strolled Portobello Road and Chris and Barbara had gelato. Then, we returned to the flat for a chat and a bit more tea.  Then, more cleaning and organizing for tomorrow's journey.

Goodby to 70 Cambridge Gardens

Sept 23

    Today was our "Go to Paris!" day. We caught an 11:30 Eurostar at St. Pancras. The train was very full. Many of the people were en route to a rugby match in Paris: Ireland vs South Africa. The train is so easy, so smooth and so convenient. Although we were in the Standard (lowest) class, we had seat trays and plugs for our electronics. We went about 299 kilometers (186 in miles) an hour at our fastest. The under-the-English Channel bit is 50 kilometers long.


Our selfie on Eurostar

  We arrived at the Gare du Nord around 3 p.m. (France is 6 hours from home and 1 hour from England.) We got 10 tickets for the Metro and got on the RER (B) - two stops to Notre Dame-St. Michel.

From there, we walked to 12. Rue du la Huchette, a pedestrianized street which dates to the Middle Ages.

    It is now crowded and touristy, especially on a Saturday. Under our apartment building is an Irish Pub and so excited about the rugby match.

    We are at #12 at a nice green door.

Rue du la Hachette

    The process to get in the flat was complicated with a key to enter the building and then getting into a lock box for the key. Then, the key got us into the rest of the building where there is a TINY elevator which we barely fit in with our luggage and then a key to get in our flat, #6.

    It's a funky flat with old beams. It's smaller than the photos made it look on line, but it is growing on us. The kitchen is very good. The living room is comfortable with the exception of one sprung chair. The bedroom is small, but adequate and the shower is terrific (always a plus for us). There is also a little washing machine. We will have fun here.

    We took a walk to get our bearings, first by heading to the river where, in less than a block, we have a great view of Notre Dame which is less covered in scaffolding than it had two years ago. We then walked to a nearby Monoprix and got some essentials including a baguette, Brie, and ham for dinner.

Beamed ceiling

Mark loading up the fridge

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