Thursday, September 28, 2023

Picnic & Duck for dinner, Sept 27

Sept 27

The 'backside' of Notre Dame with less scaffolding than 2 years ago

Side of  one Notre Dame's towers - cleaned since last visit

   Another gorgeous day in Paris - perfect weather for walking - another 4+ mile day.

   We began with croissants from the wonderful bakery down the road.

We went to the Monoprix and bought some meat and juice and then make a picnic lunch with a baguette from the bakery. We then strolled to the near end of the Ile St Louis and had a nice picnic watching the river boat traffic.

Boat traffic from picnic, Sebastien freight boat

Picnic spot at end of Ile St. Louis

   Afterwards, we strolled to the other end of the Ile St Louis and wandered our way home. We chatted with Jerry on the telephone and read for a good deal of the afternoon.


For dinner, we had reservations at La Grange Aux Canards, a wonderful little restaurant that specializes in duck. Mark had crispy duck breast in a honey sauce and Barbara had duck confit. The waiter recommended these as two traditional ways to eat duck. They were SO good. We'd definitely return to this restaurant in the future. Besides our waiter, there was a new waiter doing his first shift. A hard job and in a small restaurant.
Duck confit

   Then - "home" - a nice day!


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