Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Big Fork overnight, hike back in Missoula, Nick's birthday - April 24-25

   On Sunday, the 24th, we took off after breakfast for Big Fork to visit with Dennis Jones, Maura's Dad, who we had never met.
    Unfortunately, the weather was spitting rain en route as we had hoped for wonderful views of Flathead Lake. But, we could see that it is very beautiful.
Nine Pipes Nature Reserve

Flat Head Lake

Houseboat that Dennis Jones used to live on

  We stopped at Pocketstone Cafe in the little touristy and quaint town of Big Fork. Mark had BLT and a small bowl of chili and Barbara had country tomato soup and a salad.
Main Street in Big Fork

     We met Dennis out of town at Echo Lake Road. It's a good thing he met us as we would have had a tough time finding the house, a log cabin that he built.
     The three of us talked into the early evening. We had a wide range of subjects. Dennis knows a lot about the history of the area which is also entwined with the history of his family. He is amassing information to write a biography of Lyman Beecher Sperry as well as compiling material about his family history.
    He took us into the Big Fork Inn for dinner.
    Then we talked until quite late.
    In the morning, Monday, we all had a delicious breakfast at the Echo Lake Cafe. Homemade breads, home fries, eggs...yum.
Mountains near Dennis's house, Echo Lake area

Dennis and Barbara at the Big Fork Inn

Dennis's back yard
    We drove home via Route 83 between the Mission and Bob Marshall Ranges and along a string of gorgeous lakes including the Swan, the Seeley, the Alva. The sun did pop out occasionally.
Bob Marshal Range...which David has hiked for weeks at a time

It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get back to David and Maura's.

Whew- Barbara made it to the top of Waterworks Hill...out of breath

View from Waterworks Hill

View of Waterworks Hill with Maebe and Missoula in the background
    David and Barbara hiked the Waterworks just over an mile up and just under 800 feet of elevation from the bottom. It was strenuous for Barbara as it was quite steep, although David had no problem at all as it's a hike he often does with Maebe and he does hikes like that.  The view over Missoula was incredible. Coming down was a piece of cake! Then we took a short hike to a part of the Rattlesnake Creek which was full and rushing.
      After Maura got home from a session of emptying her previous apartment, we ordered pizza and made salad and had a lovely evening with some backgammon thrown in.
     We also wished Nick a happy 43rd birthday back on the island.

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