Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Reykjavik, March 13

It was a tad tricky getting from the airport to Reykjavik.  The airport is 47 kilometers away.  We bought tickets for fly us to get to town.  Luckily, I read in inflight magazine that it would only take us to the central bus terminal and then we would have to switch to a city bus, numb we unknown AND no change is given by bus drivers.  Mind you, it was 6:30 a.m. So, 2:30 to us.  So, fortunately, we realized our error and paid 2000 more Icelandic krona to be dropped closer to our street, Ranargata.  We found the little, one-room studio from the photo from HomeAway and a nice young man, Sebastian, was here to let us in and mercifully make us some coffee and point us to a little grocery store.  I bought some really good local yogurt, which the shopkeepers told us they mix with cream.  As they opened the store for us before it was really open, I took their advice and.....yum!

After a little lie down and a shower, we explored the city.  The sun came out and it was in the mid-forties...not bad at all.  We wandered the main shopping street, Laugavegur and had some fish stew, which we expected to be like soup, but was more like a casserole.  It actually looked like Mac and cheese.  It was good, but rich.  We also strolled the water front, saw eiders and cormorants and one bird we hope our birding friends will identify.  We bought a banquette, cheese and ham for dinner and early to bed because we have a bus to catch at 5:30 a,m.!!!!!

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