Saturday, March 30, 2013

Family Days, March 28 and 29

Mark and Ken returned our car today to Croydon, with a side trip to Ikea and shopping. (We drove just under 1000 miles)  Chris and I walked to the post office and mailed ourselves a small package, mostly brochures and family things for Grandpa White.  Although not too heavy, as we are in only three carry on bags, it is important not to carry anything extraneous.

Shirley came over in the afternoon and we went over to Katrina's in the evening.

On Friday, it being Good Friday and a holiday, we had a big family day.  Mark, Annie, Katrina, Lewis, Ewan and I went to Crystal Palace Park and walked around, visited a small  farm and a playground.  Even though there were snow flakes in the air, the kids had ice cream!
Later, Will and Walshie came over and we all had a feast of fish and chips.

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