Saturday, March 30, 2013

"One Man, Two Guvnors" , March 27

A wonderful and fun day in London!  But, it is still really cold!
Ken, Mark and I took the train into Charing Cross and walked to the National Gallery where we focused on the Impressionists.  Then, we ate lunch in the crypt at St Martins in the Fields church.  (Cauliflower and mint soup).

Then, we went to see the very funny commedia dells' arts farce, "One Man, Two Guvnors" starring Rufus Hound at the Haymarket Theatre. It is a rewrite of a Goldini play from the 1700s, updated by Richard Bean.  Mark and I really loved was played beforehand, during intermission and at every set change, often with the actors joining in.  It was very vaudevillian, physical, farcical.  Ken was not wild about it, but, of course we started thinking of how we would love to do it.

Anyway, then, we walked to a Chinese restaurant and had a lovely meal.  Chris joined us after work, a little delayed by heavy traffic.  I had mushrooms and bak Choi which was really good, as well as corn and crab soup.  We then walked back to the train, walked to Goodhart Way, arriving home at 10:15....what a wonderful day.  funny theatre, great art, yummy food and good conversation and friends.     

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