Saturday, February 27, 2010

Food, Art and a French school in Kansas City - Day 16

Today turned out to be sunny, still cold, but...getting better.
We drove to Academie Lafayette, a charter, but publicly-supported French immersion school where Anne teaches third grade. It is very impressive. The entire school (K-8) is taught in French. Anne introduced us to one of the founders of the school. Studies show that the gap in test scores shrinks for disadvantaged kids in language immersion schools. We toured the building and met Anne's class, which was a lot of fun.

Then, we went to the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art and the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. The first is a fairly small, but beautiful museum of modern art. Then, we went to the large museum of art. They have a 22 acre sculpture garden and an old building and a quite new building, too. The new building has almost no right angles, so it was worth it just to see the architecture. After walking through two museums, our feet were hurting and we were barbecue!

We sought and found "Oklahoma Joe's" a famous barbecue which is actually located in a gas station. The line was quite long and we were lucky. A man who was leaving said that he had waited 45 minutes; we only waited about 20. I had pulled pork; Mark had brisket and sausage. Mark thought that the meat at this one was better than yesterday's, although the beans at Jack Stack's was better.

When we got back to the hotel, I found that my Mac PowerBook power cord was not working. And...I only got it in October. We found a Mac Genius Bar and drove there. I was prepared to be angry, but they told me the cord was still under warranty, and they replaced it without cost; they couldn't have been nicer. What good luck that the cord broke where there was a Genius Bar.

Anne picked us up in the evening and drove us to Rob and Ronda's house in Shawnee. We chatted about our Egypt memories. Rob arrived home from business in Rochester, N.Y. around 10:30. It was great to see him as we had not seen him for about five years.

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