Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Arles, September 27 & 28

 September 27 - Lunch with Bruno & Juliette, African Dance at Roman Theatre

      What a wonderful, full day.

Juliette & Bruno

      We went into Arles to eat a fantastic lunch hosted by gracious hosts, Bruno and Juliette. Despite our limited French, we somehow managed to communicate about a variety of subjects, not the least of which were American politics and the world importance of the next election. Jerry brought Bruno back from his U.S. visit some chocolate bars with Kamala Harris's portrait. 
Risotto & Fruits de la Mer

Bruno and Juliette's garden

      The five-course meal was delicious. Bruno is quite a chef. Among the dishes were a vegetarian pate, mushrooms in a yummy sauce, risotto with "fruits de la mer" (amazing), cheese from goat, sheep & cow with the grand finale of mousse au chocolat! 

     Later, we all met up at the Roman Theatre in Arles for an African Dance performance. It is hard to describe the athleticism and uniqueness of the performance. None of us had ever seen anything like it. The atmosphere and feeling of being in a Roman theatre was quite magical. 

    September 28-  Visit from Michael and Stephane

Mark, Jerry, Michael, Stephane

     We had a quiet day today; Mark and Jerry went shopping and prepared for a speidi meal for Michael and Stephane. 

     Barbara took a walk along the Petit Rhone toward Arles, stopping at the lions, about a mile from Jerry's house.

Lions en route on walk to Arles from Tinquetaille 

      We had a lovely visit from Michael and his husband, Stephane. Stephane arrived from Geneva and Michael from Montpellier. We had a feast - speidis, grilled vegetables, fruit salad.

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