Saturday, September 21, 2024

Copenhagen, Days 1 and 2, September 18, 19

 September 18 Canal tour and Rosenborg Museum

     We figured out the subway system a little bit and managed to walk to a canal tour with minutes to spare. The day was rather foggy and drizzly. It was an hour-long trip along the canals with a very informative and also funny commentator. He gave us an overview of

As the King could see this, the merchant put in a fancy side and then a very plain side.

Danish history especially with regards to their naval and maritime business pursuits. He talked about King (Kong in Danish) Christian IV who ruled for 60 years. While he modernized, he also waged costly wars and lost much Danish territory. It is remarkable how many fires Copenhagen has had which destroyed many buildings over the years.
Part of glass collection at Rosenborg Palace

Where the King would greet people. It has a hidden hole where he could listen to a room at the other end.

This is a joke chair from the 1600s - secret water made it look like the person wet his pants.

      The tour highlighted many modern buildings such as the Library and the Opera House as well as old ones - palaces, mercantile buildings, churches. It was a lot to absorb.

    Afterwards we wandered in that area, had a coffee and a bit of shopping and somehow ended up back near the Norreport Station near our flat. But, before we got there we toured the Rosenborg Palace. It is a very accessible palace and easily toured. We went into the basement to see the treasury and the Crown Jewels which were quite amazing. It palace is heavily guarded. Barbara bought a new tote bag to replace the one we left in Oslo. 

September 19 A day at the National Art Gallery

Self portrait - Henri Matisse


      We spent the entire day at the National Art Gallery which is almost right in front of our flat.  The day was warm and lovely.

     After spending the morning at the gallery, we went to Aamanns for smorrebrod which are Danish open-faced sandwiches. Maura had a salmon one; Barbara had a beet one and Mark had a meatball one. They were delightfully delicious with combinations of flavors we would not have put together.

  After that break and a stop at the supermarket and back at the apartment where we each shed a lay or clothing due to the lovely weather, we went back to the museum and went to the exhibit Against All Odds an exhibit of Nordic women artists who were overlooked for years. It was a beautiful exhibit. Many are self portraits.

     We also checked out the contemporary art and the installations as well as the sculpture gallery.

      Finally, the building itself was stunning.

      We had a nice dinner at home. 

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