Saturday, May 14, 2022

Tuileries, Shopping, Walking, May 13

We started the day, as usual, getting a baguette at Huré, a bakery in our neighborhood. It's an incredible 1.3 Euros, and so good.

Nancy and Mark sitting by a pond at the Tuileries


We got on the Metro at the Hotel de Ville and got off at the Tuileries. It was another gorgeous sunny day with temperatures in the high 60s, but it felt so much warmer. We strolled down memory lane with our visits here. We remembered Jecca on her first visit pushing a sailboat at the pond and falling in - quite traumatic for her at the time. We saw no evidence that sailboats are rented anymore - maybe in the summer. 
Happy Caffe for crepes and coffee

We walked to the Happy Caffe which Michael and Mark found as a good place to get crepes. We all had vegetarian crepes - spinach, tomatoes, cheese and an egg. We all really enjoyed them a lot and the waiter (maybe owner) was incredibly nice - he brought us all a free hot chocolate at the end of the meal. He is French-Indian.

We then walked back to the Tuileries and continued up to the Place de la Concorde where there a good views of the obelisk, the Arch de Triumph and the Eiffel Tower. From there, Michael and Nancy took off separately.

Joan of Arc

Obelisk with the Arch de Triumph in the background

We worked our way back toward the Marais in a kind of circuitous route choosing to avoid the big boulevardes and crowds. We took a few rests along the way as it was quite a long walk in the sun. We stopped for some gelato and a little sit-down. Miraculously, we upon the sock store and Barbara bought another pair of the cotton socks and picked up another pair of the pink silk socks that Nancy wanted. At that point, we racked up another 6 mile day.

The river views charmed us every day

Looking up toward the Opera

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