Saturday, May 14, 2022

First full day in Paris, May 9


Salad at P'tit Bistro

Nancy, Michael and Barbara at Le P'tit Bistro

What a gorgeous and warm day today was! Mark and I went out to a bakery for pastries and baguettes in the morning. Michael and Nancy slept later because they are recovering from their journey. 

View from our room! 

    We had a leisurely day to get our bearings and let them acclimate. We walked to the other end of the Ile de la Cité and, from there, walked to a restaurant that Mark found, Le P'tit Bistro in the Marais area. The waiter moved tables and chairs so that we didn't have to sit in the sun. Nancy and Barbara had Salade Parisienne; Mark and Michael had hamburgers. From there, we strolled on the Rue de Rivoli past the Hotel de Ville and then sat for quite a while in a square by the Hotel de Nice and had coffee. (Expensive coffees, but we sat there for a long time and it was very relaxing.) Then we strolled back. We walked over 3 miles.

  Then - back for a rest!

  Mike and Nancy went out to catch the sunset; Mark and Barbara stayed in and got to bed early to read. Mike and Nancy got some French onion soup before coming back to the

Notre Dame under reconstruction
On our Balcony! 21 Quai aux Fleurs

Inside the apartment

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