Saturday, February 13, 2016

Second Entry from Florida, February 8 - 13

  We have long wanted to find the bird watching area that can be seen from Route 95 near Vero Beach, so we set off on a quest to find it. (off 90th street).  Like many of Florida's bird sanctuaries, it is part of a water plant. The area is quite large and we saw a lot of birds: lots of wood storks, white and glossy ibis, tree swallows, yellow-rumped warblers. We saw quite a few tri-colored herons as well as one very very still green heron, one of our favorites. We got a spectacular fly-over of an osprey right above our heads and we saw a bird of prey which we think was a harrier, but...may not have been. And, there were also quite a few ducks - mostly common gallinules and blue-winged teals.
Bird Walk in Vero: ibis

Pelican in flight: Fort Pierce

Pelican in flight: Fort Pierce


Great Egret fishing in the marsh at the Vero bird walk
  On Tuesday, Carol and her friend, Barbara, arrived after driving straight through from Bridgewater. Yikes. We could NEVER do that. They had 3 nights in Orlando and tickets for a day at Disney. We made scalloped potatoes for them. Michael and Nancy stopped in en route from Jacksonville to Lake Worth and we followed them down.
   We stayed at Michael and Nancy's for two nights. We got all the paperwork to buy the "paper roads" around our house and had to print and overnight mail them back to the town. It has been the opposite of "hurry up and wait" as we started this process in 2008! But, the town needed it all suddenly. So "wait and hurry up"!
    On the night before we left to go back to Vero, cousin Noreen and her niece from Israel, 25-year-old Orial, came over for dinner. Nancy made two wonderful soups. It was an interesting evening with lively conversation. We think that Orial is Mark's 2nd cousin, once removed.
Mark, Lake Worth

John, Nancy, Orial, Noreen, Mark

John, Michael, Orial

John, Michael, Nancy

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