Tuesday, February 9, 2016

FIrst Entry from our time with the Folks in Vero Beach, February 2 - February 6

  We arrived in Vero on Ground Hog Day. John is here, too, working and he has graciously given us the spare bedroom and has been sleeping on the couch.
   Mostly we have just been keeping Cal and Alice company so far. We took them to a neurology appointment for Alice to check out her "drop foot." She got good news - that it is remedial by physical therapy, but the doctor needs to do one more test to diagnose it definitively.
    We met Diane and Bob Robusto for lunch (Thai/Japanese) but neglected to take any photos- next time.
      The folks' dermatologist gives an annual celebration for his patients and Cal and Alice were very keen to go. It was quite amazing - probably close to 2,000 people attended. There was food, music and a K-9 exhibition. One of the dog handlers spoke at length right in front of Cal and Alice which was excellent as the initial demonstration was quite difficult to hear as they were not miked and there was a lot of background music.

The next day was Super Bowl Sunday. We had John, Cal, Alice, Mark and Barbara plus a friend from the park, Terry. Mark made three kinds of wings; I made date and nut bread and John made an apple pie. (Also salsa, hummus, veggies)

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