Friday, May 6, 2011

Our last day in Arles

Another sunny day in the south of France. The light is amazing; you can understand why the impressionists painted here.

We went with Glenn, Jerry's son, into the Wednesday market in downtown Arles.  There, we bought fruit and vegetables.

When Jerry got home from work, we drove in his Mercedes back into the Camargue.  First, we stopped at a conservation area in the park and took a nature walk.  We also watched the salt flats being worked. We drove through Salin de Giraud where I visited an obstetrician many years ago when I was pregnant with David on our last trip....26 years ago.  We also visited Le Sambuc, the village where Jerry lived back then and had soft drink at a restaurant there.

Then, we went back to Jerry's and he and Mark made an absolute feast for dinner - pork with carrots made in cider, asparagus in a soy sauce, fresh heirloom tomatoes and cucumbers, followed by strawberries and pears.  YUM!   And, once again, we all stayed up late talking and reflecting on life.  We wish we could stay longer as there are many sites to see here and Jerry is good company.
 Plus, he is working on making a separate apartment for Glenn and it would be nice to help him out.  Alas...we have to leave.

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