Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back to the States - May 17

  Today we flew back to Boston.  We started early, which was good as we went to Terminal 5, British Airway's international terminal.  However, while we were on a B.A. flight, it was operated by American Airlines, so we had to take the train to Terminal 3.  However, we were not stressed as we had plenty of time.

We breezed through security and, because, once again, the plane was not full, we were able to share 3 seats between us.  We were above clouds the entire way, but it was a smooth flight.  Our last glimpse of England was Windsor Castle and the first sight of the U.S. was the runway in Boston.

We breezed through Customs, caught a cab to North Station and the train to Concord, where Jecca picked us up.  She fed us a good barbecue dinner and we collapsed into bed.   It is nice to be home the day before Jecca's birthday.

So ends our 2011 European adventure.

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