Sunday, March 27, 2011

Idyllic Picnic in Cookham with Maura and then...overboard! - Day 14 3/26

Today started out a bit chilly, but by lunchtime the sun was out and it was nice and warm.  Maura joined us at the marina and we went upstream through 3 locks to Cookham where we moored in the sun and had a feast of a picnic with pate, ham, cucumbers, cheese, lovely bread....  After a leisurely lunch and sunning, we headed back.  The river traffic was heavier than we have seen before because it is the weekend and nice weather.

I had a major mishap at Boulter's Lock.  We were in with a narrow boat, another cruiser and about 20 canoes all on camping trip together.  In addition, there was quite a crowd of spectators.  We had to move our boat over carefully to be aside the narrow boat and it was a bit rocky.  Somehow, as I threw the line to moor up, I slipped.  I fell against the pavement of the lock, probably first with my stomach and then my forehead and slipped into the water.  A man hopped over the fence quickly and, with another fellow, lifted me out of the water.  (I actually did not even get my hair wet.)  Immediately my forehead showed a big scrape and it swelled up to Neanderthal size.  My pride was hurt - a lot.  So, I kept a stiff upper lip and went below to change my clothes.  However, I knew that I was pretty badly banged up.

We sailed back and we went with Maura to wash my canal clothes and then we drove into Maidenhead for an Italian dinner.  By then, my eyes had started to blacken.  And, I know that sleeping will not be easy.

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