Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eton, Dorney, Pub Lunch, E.R. visit -Day 15

I had a pretty uncomfortable night, but the headache was less.  Maura picked us up and we drove around Eton, which is beautiful.  It seems odd to see young teenage boys in full tails wandering around.  About 1,300 students attend and, evidently, you have to sign boys up when they are born.  After that, we walked along the canal for a bit.  We saw a lovely little church built originally for the bargemen. Then, we walked to the new Eton rowing lake which will be used for the London Olympics.  Very impressive.

Next stop: Dorney Village - very beautiful.  The manor there is not open until later in the year, but we had a wonderful traditional Sunday dinner at the Palmer Arms.  Mark and Maura had roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and I had pork with homemade applesauce, as well as Yorkshire pudding.  Yum.

However, all day my eyes kept swelling up to the point where I felt like I was looking through slits.  And - they are really black. I look rather grotesque and battered.  So, it was decided that I needed to go to an Emergency Room.  It appeared it would take hours as there were a lot of people queued up, so, after almost two hours, we sent Maura on her way.  Wexham Hospital.  I saw a lovely doctor who basically said that I am very bruised and that my eyes are swollen from all the blood pooled in my forehead bump.  He ordered an X-ray of my face as a precaution.  We met a lot of nice people during the wait - many people who had been injured at sport as it was such a lovely day - soccer, biking, and one little girl whose hand was stepped on by a horse.

We took a cab back to Eton after the 3 1/2 hour hospital experience, walked over the bridge into Windsor and got some milk.  The cab from Wexham cost only 8 pounds, but...then, the cabbie in Windsor said it would be 10 pounds to drive us back to the marina - only about 3 miles.  We protested, but he said that it was all on the meter.  However, in the end, he only charged us 8 pounds, but...we feel it was a pretty expensive little ride.

We are now back at our cosy little boat having tea.

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