Thursday, March 31, 2011

Musee D'Orsay, cell phone problems...Day 19

Today was another lucky day with the weather.  It was supposed to rain, but was just cloudy.

We started by blowing many fuses in our flat - every time Mark put on the stove!  Eventually, we called the landlord and he said to use the hotplate.  Mark was not that happy about it, but managed to serve up some good eggs eventually.

We walked via the Tuileries to Musee D'Orsay, having gotten tickets at the Tourist Office, saving waiting in a long line.  We enjoyed a nice morning in the museum and met the rest of the Whites at 1:00 in the cafe.  Christina & Mike left to go on their own for the afternoon.  Mark and I spent another hour or so with the wonderful Impressionists and then walked back to our flat, completely tired and walked out.

After crashing, we walked some more to find a Japanese noodle restaurant that we read about.  It took quite a while to find!  We also bought a new electrical converter as Mark left ours at Maura's. Then, we went back to our flat.

We were curious why we hadn't heard from the rest of the White clan, was because the cell phones don't always work.  It turns out that Mike and Nancy had decided to walk to our flat, but....couldn't find it and....even if they had, they wouldn't have been able to get the codes to get in. And, they had tried and tried to text us, but never got through. Eventually, we Facebooked Julia as we thought something was amiss.  When we heard that Mike and Nancy were wandering around, we left and tried to find them.  After many texts between Julie and us, we decided to meet at the Japanese restaurant.  Julie managed to text Michael and....eventually we all met up, but it was frustrating. Luckily, we all had good meals and cheered up.  The gang visited our flat to see how modest it is and we made contingency plans tomorrow in case the phones don't work again.  Tomorrow, Michelle flies in; she will also be very surprised to see Christina and Michael.

The White Family in Paris! - Day 18

Today we went on the Eurostar under the tunnel for the first time!

Maura walked with us to Motspur Park station and we traveled to St. Pancras Railway Station.  It has all been renovated and is very beautiful, especially as London is gearing up for the next summer Olympics.  We checked in at the electronic kiosk and got our boarding passes, then sat and had a baguette with ham and cheese as we began to shift to French ways.

The 12:28 train left right on time and arrived right on time around 4 p.m. Paris time.  (about 2 1/2 hours).  The weather again cooperated.  It was supposed to be raining, but was only a bit damp.  We got a bit confused with using the subway tickets, but...managed to get to the Pyramides stop and then, using the map Willy gave us, managed to get to 9, rue du Marche, St Honore.  It is in the first arrondisement and in a posh section of Paris.  Amazingly, it is one street over from the infamous Lion D'Or that Jec, Mark and David had a hard time finding one night over 20 years ago.

Anyhow, the flat is very modest with an old, dark, rickety stairwell with lights on timers.  But, it will do.  It is basically one room.  We had a struggle getting the futon to flatten out, but eventually conquered it.  It seems more sensible than trying to climb into the bunk bed, particularly with all my bruises.  We also struggled to get online, but...eventually conquered it as well.

Then, we took a subway to Sentier where Michael and Nancy had prepared a lovely spaghetti dinner.  They arrived a day ahead of us, and Julie arrived shortly after that.  Unbeknowst to Julia, Mike and  Christina also were in Paris and she was totally surprised.

They are in a lovely flat, but it has had problems - a toilet that doesn't work, tv not working and the washer now working properly. But, the location is great and they are all doing well.

After dinner, we walked to the river, saw the lights of Paris and it was a lot of fun.  We walked a long way and eventually had coffee and dessert at an outside cafe. (expensive coffees, though!)  Then, Mark and I walked back home with only getting slightly lost.

Last day on Thames -visit to New Malden

We  had another unambitious day on the river.  It was raining quite hard in the morning, so we battened down the hatches, put up the awning and sailed to Windsor.  We immediately checked the ATM, and, luckily, were able to access our money.  We had lunch in Windsor; I had a mushroom and cheese Cornish pasty; Mark had McDonald's!

In the afternoon, the sun came out - lucky day again!  So, we sailed very slowly back to the marina, soaking up our last minutes on the river.  Then, we packed up the boat and our gear.  Maura's friend, Vicky, a teacher in Slough, very kindly picked us up and drove us all the way to New Malden to stay with Maura.   Then, she turned around and drove back to watch a football match with a friend.  We felt very grateful as it took well over two hours in total.

Maura, Mark and I feasted on scumptious Indian food - we had quite the array of pork, lamb, chicken, spinach, potato.....followed by Key Lime Pie.  But, mostly we just walked the evening away as Maura told us all about UNICEF's educational efforts and commitment to the rights of the child.  Tomorrow....Paris!

Quiet Day in Windsor - Day 16

We decided to have a quiet day on the river today, mostly so that I could recover as I am quite sore and definitely not feeling nimble.  After a leisurely start, we sailed to Windsor where we spent the day wandering about the shopping area and sitting outside the castle and watching people.  It turned out to be a lovely day, despite the forecast of intermittent rain.  We had great Indian food at "The Old Rose" Indian restaurant.  Yummy and reasonable.  We headed home around 4.  Mark did all of the docking and 'locking' and I pretty much just sat.

  We did, however, have difficulty getting money from the ATM machines. They all refused the card.  We got chatting with a couple who live in Scotland and who also were in a timeshare boat.  He is a banker and she is an accountant, originally from Slovakia.  He said that the card was probably locked out and I'd better do something about it.  So, I emailed Nantucket Bank about the problem.  Amazingly, I got a letter back very quickly with a promise to fix the problem and an apology.  So, here's hoping it works tomorrow!  We had a quiet dinner of snacks as we are trying to finish everything up in the boat.

Despite my accident, we have decided that this has been an awesome week, especially as we've had such great weather and we would do it again.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eton, Dorney, Pub Lunch, E.R. visit -Day 15

I had a pretty uncomfortable night, but the headache was less.  Maura picked us up and we drove around Eton, which is beautiful.  It seems odd to see young teenage boys in full tails wandering around.  About 1,300 students attend and, evidently, you have to sign boys up when they are born.  After that, we walked along the canal for a bit.  We saw a lovely little church built originally for the bargemen. Then, we walked to the new Eton rowing lake which will be used for the London Olympics.  Very impressive.

Next stop: Dorney Village - very beautiful.  The manor there is not open until later in the year, but we had a wonderful traditional Sunday dinner at the Palmer Arms.  Mark and Maura had roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and I had pork with homemade applesauce, as well as Yorkshire pudding.  Yum.

However, all day my eyes kept swelling up to the point where I felt like I was looking through slits.  And - they are really black. I look rather grotesque and battered.  So, it was decided that I needed to go to an Emergency Room.  It appeared it would take hours as there were a lot of people queued up, so, after almost two hours, we sent Maura on her way.  Wexham Hospital.  I saw a lovely doctor who basically said that I am very bruised and that my eyes are swollen from all the blood pooled in my forehead bump.  He ordered an X-ray of my face as a precaution.  We met a lot of nice people during the wait - many people who had been injured at sport as it was such a lovely day - soccer, biking, and one little girl whose hand was stepped on by a horse.

We took a cab back to Eton after the 3 1/2 hour hospital experience, walked over the bridge into Windsor and got some milk.  The cab from Wexham cost only 8 pounds, but...then, the cabbie in Windsor said it would be 10 pounds to drive us back to the marina - only about 3 miles.  We protested, but he said that it was all on the meter.  However, in the end, he only charged us 8 pounds, but...we feel it was a pretty expensive little ride.

We are now back at our cosy little boat having tea.

Idyllic Picnic in Cookham with Maura and then...overboard! - Day 14 3/26

Today started out a bit chilly, but by lunchtime the sun was out and it was nice and warm.  Maura joined us at the marina and we went upstream through 3 locks to Cookham where we moored in the sun and had a feast of a picnic with pate, ham, cucumbers, cheese, lovely bread....  After a leisurely lunch and sunning, we headed back.  The river traffic was heavier than we have seen before because it is the weekend and nice weather.

I had a major mishap at Boulter's Lock.  We were in with a narrow boat, another cruiser and about 20 canoes all on camping trip together.  In addition, there was quite a crowd of spectators.  We had to move our boat over carefully to be aside the narrow boat and it was a bit rocky.  Somehow, as I threw the line to moor up, I slipped.  I fell against the pavement of the lock, probably first with my stomach and then my forehead and slipped into the water.  A man hopped over the fence quickly and, with another fellow, lifted me out of the water.  (I actually did not even get my hair wet.)  Immediately my forehead showed a big scrape and it swelled up to Neanderthal size.  My pride was hurt - a lot.  So, I kept a stiff upper lip and went below to change my clothes.  However, I knew that I was pretty badly banged up.

We sailed back and we went with Maura to wash my canal clothes and then we drove into Maidenhead for an Italian dinner.  By then, my eyes had started to blacken.  And, I know that sleeping will not be easy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 13 - Another idyllic day - this time downstream

Today was one of those magical days when nothing went wrong and everything went right.  The weather was warm enough for shorts and short-sleeved shirts.

We took the boat downstream today past Windsor to around Runnymede.  We went through 3 locks each way.  (Boveney Lock, Romney Lock and Old Windsor Lock.)  Only one of the lockkeepers was there and we did very well.  Mark drove the boat and I operated the sluices and the gates.  We managed not to have any mishaps.

We have met many nice people on the river.  At one of the locks we met an older couple who have lived on their boat for 12 years.  And, then a bit later in the day, in another lock, we met a young couple from the Reading area who have also started to live on their boat.  They had only been at it for 9 days and have a lot of renovating to do.

We docked in Windsor, shopped at the Waitrose Supermarket and then had tea and biscuits while docked there watching the multitude of swans.  (All swans belong to the Queen, by the way.)  We have seen many youngsters out in their sculls along the river in the afternoons.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 12 - A lovely day on the river Thames

It was definitely chilly on the boat last night. Brrr!  It is so much like camping.  At the marina there are showers and toilets and we definitely prefer that to those on board which we will avoid using unless necessary.

Mark made a lovely meal of eggs this morning on board.  It was quite foggy in the morning, but the sun was out by 10 a.m. and it got quite warm - probably in the mid-sixties.

After showers at the marina, we took off upstream for about six miles.  The first lock we came to was unattended, so we had to ask help from a couple who were strolling and we managed to get through.  We passed under the largest brick riverspan in Europe, too.  We had a few times when the electric starter wouldn't work and Mark and to hand pull the engine.  We had it looked at, but nothing was found amiss.  Let's hope it doesn't cause up problems later.

After having the boat checked, we went downstream to Windsor, less than an hour away.  We docked and got a bottle of milk as well as some fish & chips.  Then, we sailed back, getting in just before dark.  We are not allowed on the river after dark.  And, it really does get quite dark.

Day 7 - 3/19 Brighton with American and English family

Today was a lovely sunny and warm day.  We had a family expedition in 2 cars to Brighton.  Everyone is starved for spring after a long winter, so there were thousands of others with the same thought.  Thus, we hit quite a bit of traffic.  I went down with Will, Annette and Ewan.  Mark drove with Chris, Katrina and Lewis.

We thought that Julia was in Rome, but, on a whim, decided to try to call her.  Luckily, Katrina had the number in her phone.  Lo and behold!  She was there, so she took a bus down to meet us all.

We all strolled along the promenade.  It was warm enough to sit outside with our fish & chips and burgers, as well as have an ice cream.  The entire family enjoyed some time on the pier.  The kids did well - tired, but happy.  Julie left to go back to her dorm and we headed home.  Mark and I switched cars as Ewan is quite taken with Mark, who he considers a "special person" as well as Mark's phone with "Angry Birds."

It was a pretty long journey home; we hit quite a bit of traffic.  Afterwards, the entire family, including Ken who had been busy, met at Walshie and Katrina's for take out Chinese.  It was a lot of fun with a lot of laughs.

We take to the River Thames! - Day 11

Well, we have taken charge of The Tchaikovsky at Windsor Marina.  The Thames may never be the same!  Chris and Ken drove us for almost 2 hours in rather heavy traffic to the Marina.  We checked in and were given a rather daunting lesson about propane, electricity, water, toilet, shower, how to properly dock etc etc by a lovely man named Richard.

Meanwhile, Chris and Ken went to Tesco's and brought back a lovely meal of bread, wine, cheese, ham and pate.  What more does anyone need?  So, after our lesson, we cast off and went up and down toward the locks both upstream and downstream, but decided we'd try to locks tomorrow when we feel more confident of the boat handling.  It was lovely and sunny, so we had a nice meal in the sun while cruising past grand estates on the river. Mark and I had visions of Mrs. Bucket's riparian adventures...just hope we don't fall in the river like she did!  Before Chris and Ken left, we all went back to Tesco's for a few more supplies.

The Tchaikovsky is pretty small! We stowed away most of our clothes as best we could.  There is no privacy and hardly a "private bedroom".  We are much relieved that Michael and Nancy did not join us as I think it would have been a little too small to manage very well.  At any rate, we set up our bed at the front of the boat and had another little meal.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 10 - A Day In London

Today we had an afternoon in London.  We got Oyster Cards for the transport system first.  We drove most of the way in with Christine who parked at her place of work. Then, the 3 of us took a bus to Tottenham Court Road and walked to meet Ken.  As Christine had a retirement party to go to, she then left us.  ("The special people were handed off to Ken" in other words!  Ewan, 3 1/2 calls us 'the special people' so it has become the family joke.)

We went to a fascinating little museum that Ken worked on.  The Grant Museum is a collection of skeletons.  Grant was Darwin's professor and many of the specimens date from his collection period.  The building itself was fascinating - an old library.

From there, we went to the new Wellcome Medical Museum.  First, we had a bite to eat with Ken, and then, he went back to work.  After touring that museum, Mark and I walked to the British Museum and concentrated on the Medieval Europe section only.  It is such a large museum and we have seen a lot of it previously, so it seemed sensible to focus on one area and period and do it properly. So, we did.

Then, we walked back to Charing Cross Station, after only one misturn, and took the train back to West Wickham.  When we got back, there was another big family dinner awaiting - Annie, Katrina, Will, Walshie, Ewan, Lewis an extra bonus, Pete S. arrived to join us.  He is on his way tomorrow on a business trip to Vienna.

Day 9 - Sunny Kent & dinner with Bridgewater friend (3/21)

Today we spent the afternoon touring the rolling hills and villages of Kent with Christine.  We ate at a lovely village, Wenersham, where General Wolfe of Quebec fame, was born.  It was sunny and warm, so we were able to eat outside, which is always a treat.  We then went to the village of Leigh and walked around the village and some of the countryside.  We were very close to Hever where we spent a week in 2006 in a timeshare.

In the evening, we had dinner in West Wickham with Mark Panza and his wife, Mary, who we had never met before.  They picked us up and we went to Prima Dona's.  Christine went with us and a good time was had by all.

Ken went to work today for the first time since December as he had been in Thailand and then came home, fell, and broke his kneecap.

Day 8 - Family Sunday - Tea & Scones

Today the Bryan Clan gathered for both Sunday dinner, made mostly by Christine, and Sunday tea, mostly made by Mark and organized by Katrina.  Mark made Nantucket cranberry/pecan shortbread cookies and Mark made scones from a recipe of Pete's mother, who we met for the first time this morning.  In the morning, Katrina and Mark went on a camera shopping expedition to buy 4 cameras for her school.  It was a lovely family day.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 6 - Fish and Chips and Theatre - 3/18

Drizzly and rainy.
Chris, Mark and Barbara went to the mall in Bromley to sort out our mobile phones.  Barbara put in a new chip so that we can call in England.  Mark is keeping his phone as is so that people can call us for an emergency.

Then - a lovely meal of fish & chips with Chris, Ken, Annie & Ewan.

Day 5 - A lovely day in West Wickham!

We have NO jet lag because of the day flight.  After a nice breakfast, Mark and I were dropped off in West Wickham High Street as Chris and Ken had other things to do.  We had fun shopping for all our 'beauty' supplies in Boots as we packed with none - so razor, shaving cream, conditioner, lotions and potions.  Afterwards, we walked to the house of Andrea and Peter, who kindly put us up for Katrina's wedding in 2006.  Peter is away doing a security job in Lancaster, but we had a lovely afternoon tea with Andrea.  She has put it in our head about walking along the Thames Path when we board the canal boat.  She caught us up on her family telling us about the life of her daughter on the Isle of Mann; the difficulties of coming and going sound similar to the difficulties of going and coming from Nantucket.

Later, we had a wonderful family dinner all made by Christine.  Walshie brought over 18 month old Lewis for us to meet.  Katrina came over later as she had a long day at school.  Annie brought over 3 1/2 year old Ewan also for us to meet and Will also came along after he was done with work.  It was a lot of fun to meet the children who played very happily.  Katrina came back after Lewis went to bed.

Day 4 - Arrival in London!

Jecca drove us to Logan in the morning with amazingly little traffic.  There we were with 2 fairly small bags each!  And, Mark had already printed our boarding cards.  We had to walk to Terminal B (from E) as American Airlines leaves from there, even though we booked our flight through British Air.  At any rate, we went through security incredibly quickly.  (10 minutes)  Then - after an iced coffee, we went directly to the gate.

There were only about FORTY PEOPLE on the entire plane - a 757.  So, we were very well taken care of and, for much of the flight, we stretched out in separate rows - 3 seats each.  There was NO turbulence, which was a relief as Barbara is a nervous flier.
Everything was on time.  We breezed through British customs as there was NO line at all.  Ken was there to pick us up with next-door-neighbor John.  John drove the M-4 right through London so we had a great tour right away.

Flying during the day is fabulous.  We arrived in London at 8:30 at night, which was only 4:30 to us. (The U.S. 'sprang ahead', but Europe doesn't adjust their clocks for 2 more weeks.)  So, we had a lovely reception in West Wickham with Chris and Ken and got to bed around midnight in London, but it was only 8 to us.  It must have been our easiest flight ever.

Day 3 - March 15

We are in Concord and ready to go.  Otis & Henry had half-days of school, so I (Barbara) went with Willy and the boys to Drumlin Farm to stroll and to see a newly-born baby goat.  Jecca made a wonderful send-off dinner of salmon and kale.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 2: March 14

Today we spent doing the many details that going on a trip of 9 weeks takes.  We got our international driver's licenses.  Our big challenge - to pack for the entire time in JUST CARRY ON LUGGAGE?  Do you think we can do it?

We caught a good movie, too - "The Adjustment Bureau" with Matt Damon.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

We are on the road again! Europe

 Day One.  We left Nantucket today on the HyLine.  Elizabeth drove us to the boat.  We left Kelby, age 13, in the able care of Jennfer, a veterinarian, Jackson and dog, Tramp.

We picked up the Prius in Hyannis and drove directly to Framingham to have a lovely dinner with Mark and Kathryn in Framingham. Mark has been craving Mexican food for weeks and a good time was had by all - good food, company, conversation.  We went to their house in Framingham and chatted and Kathryn helped me remember how to actually do this blog.

Elizabeth drove us to the HyLine in the Matrix.  We left 13 year old Kelby in the able hands of Jennifer, a veterinarian, as well as 8 month old Jackson and dog, Tramp.  Nan is next door and is also keeping a good eye on everything, including getting our mail and sending me the bills via email.

Jec and Willy are on vacation and are in NYC for the long weekend.  We will see them tomorrow.