Saturday, August 24, 2024

New York, Finale, and home - April 12, 13, 14, 15

 April 12

     We had a slow morning and walked to a different subway station -36 & 5th. It is a bit longer, but a nicer walk. Mark got a HUGE deli sandwich at Lioni's. He ate half on the subway, with a bit of help from Barbara. (Later, he gave the other half to a homeless woman in Central Park.) We took the express N train which was great. We got off at 59th Street and walked over 20 blocks (!) to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We went to the Harlem Renaissance Exhibit which was fabulous.

That's a sandwich!

Central Park in the Spring

   Then, Mark went outside to meet Weldon and Patti and they headed toward the Impressionists. Barbara met them when she was finished with the Harlem Renaissance.

   We walked to Weldon and Patti's where we had a lovely conversation. Patti has been retired only 2 weeks. 

    Then, we went in Weldon's car to Tulohache, a Mexican restaurant that they like. It was very good. Mark had a fish entree and Barbara and Patti shared fish & vegetarian tacos. 



Cezanne, 1894 "The House with the Cracked Walls"

Van Gogh

Picasso in his Blue Period

    We took an Uber home. Barbara left the Harlem Renaissance cards that she bought in their car.

    April 13

   We had an easy go out of NYC on the FDR parkway to the Merritt Parkway to Route 15 through Connecticut. We stopped at Katz's Diner en route. Mark had a hot dog; Barbara had French Onion soup. (yummy) We bought bagels and pastrami for later and to also leave at Jec and Willy's. We slept at their house; they were in Maine for a short break because they have Patriots' Day off.

  April 14

    Drove to Hyannis with a quick stop in Bridgewater. We bought garden supplies.

April 15

      Clarity at the Honda dealer where we waited a while. Boat home.



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