Wednesday, April 10, 2024

New York, Part Two, April 9, A Day at MOMA

 April 9

    MOMA day.

    We took the D train uptown to the Museum of Modern Art where we focused on the 5th floor with the early modern painters - Picasso, Leger, Mondrian, Braque etc. We spent so much time there that we did very little on the other floors as our brains were very full! We didn't even get to the new exhibits, but we were more than satisfied.

View from inside MOMA


Can't remember the painter, but German, pre WWII

Giacomo Bella

Van Gogh



Charlie Chaplin in "Modern Times," 1936

Crowds trying to see Chagall

Picasso, a painting he did not show for over 9 years because of scandalous subject.



Picasso - A Starry Night

   Then, we took the D train back to Brooklyn and ate a late lunch on Eighth Avenue in Brooklyn's China town.


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