Monday, May 15, 2023

May, 2023 Massachusetts & Montana for the Month

   May 1 - Start to our vacation at Sea Mist Resort timeshare in Mashpee.

We left Nantucket on the early boat, leaving Norman and Jane at the house. They came down for Norman's 75th birthday which was celebrated with Tyler, Alison, Jessie and Chris.


We are staying at the Sea Mist Resort in Mashpee where we have stayed once before. Our first stop, as usual, was Pain d'Avignon for coffee and for a croissant. The weather was windy, but sunny and in the low 60s which was great. After checking in, we drove all the way to Provincetown where we got delicious sandwiches at Far Land Provisions. We ate 1/2 the sandwiches in the National Seashore Park. Then we visited the Birdwatcher's General Store. From there, we went to Nickerson State Park where we walked a bit around Cliff Pond and had the rest of our sandwiches. It was a great day.

At Cape Cod National Seashore

At Nickerson State Park

Nickerson State Park

   We got some food at the Stop and Shop to eat at the apartment and went to the hot tub and dry sauna and had the entire place to ourselves.

  May 2

 We spent the middle of the day in Bridgewater with the family - the folks, Mary, Phil, Sandy & John. Afterwards we drove back to Mashpee for an early dinner at Cook's Seafood which was good. The weather was changeable - sun, rain and even some hail in Bridgewater.  Another hot tub and sauna to found off the day.

  May 3

    We spent the morning in Bridgewater and then went back to Mashpee Commons where Barbara bought a pair of pants. We drove to East Falmouth for some Thai food for another late lunch. Then - hot tub and sauna again.

   May 4 - May the Fourth be With You!

Visit to Sandwich to see Megan. (Bo was asleep)

   We did laundry in the morning. We went to Tumi in Hyannis for lunch. Mark had steak tips with Peruvian spices and Barbara had one empanada and tuna ceviche. We met Jane and Norman at Pain D'Avignon before their trip home. Then - back to the resort and another spell in the hot tub and sauna.

May 5

   Today Barbara had an eye appointment with  Dr MacQueen at Lens Crafters. Amazingly, her eyes have slightly improved and will have a lesser prescription sent to David and Maura's in Missoula.Then we went to Bridgewater for pizza, but Grandpa was already back in bed by the time we got there. But, we had a nice visit with Alice, John and Sandy. (Mary is in Maine for the weekend.) Then we went to Mass Eye and Ear in Bridgewater and had ear tests. Both of us have almost the same hearing as we did last year and both of us having pretty much the same profile. We will investigate hearing aids - see how much they are covered by our insurance etc. From there we picked up Greek salad and pizza (2nd meal of day!) and went to Matt, Maureen's and Penelope's in Taunton. At 2 and a half, Penelope is engaging, fun and alert. We also checked out their 11 chickens!

Penelope, Matt and Mark looking at chickens

Penelope after her trip to Disney, dressed as Rapunzel

Maureen and Penelope

May 6 

   Today we. checked out of Mashpee and headed for W. Roxbury where we picked up our lamps from the fix-it man. They are lamps we bought the first year we were married. Then we stopped at Green Papaya for a light lunch and on to Concord to stay with Jec, Willy & Hank. Jec and Willy are training for their hike across England and went for a run. They are also working hard to put in several gardens in front of their house. Later, we went across to a food truck at the baseball field and got sandwiches. Hank coached the faculty - student basketball game. (None of us attended, but he seemed to have a good time.)

May 7

    A gorgeous summer day. Jec and Willy met friends for lunch. We did a laundry and pared down our clothing for our trip to Montana. We also did a bit of gardening at the campus garden which has been rejuvenated under the direction of sophomore Miroslav, a Ukrainian refugee.

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