Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Back in Massachusetts, November 12 - 18

We left Tarrytown in wonderful weather - sunny and cool, and arrived in Concord around lunch time. We got sandwiches at Nashoba Brooks Bakery before we arrived. Jecca was coaching her last field hockey game of the season and Barbara walked up to see it. The team, which had a losing record, had a confidence-boosting win. 
Set of "39 Steps"

    After a nice dinner made by Jecca, we went to the Middlesex theater to see a production of "The 39 Steps" - a comedic take on Alfred Hitchcock. (Hank didn't go as he had gone the previous night.) We enjoyed the play.

Mark and Hank

    Today, our only full day here, Jecca and Barbara went to a kitchen supply store where Jecca got a new pie plate in preparation for Thanksgiving pies and Barbara got some new bowls (midnight blue). Hank had drivers' ed in the morning and went to a new Marvel movie in the afternoon.

      Later, Mark and Barbara drove over to REI to look at bicycles. Barbara test rode a bike that is the same as Jecca's bike. Mark looked at Level 1 electric bikes. 

    On the 15th, we left Concord and moved on to Bridgewater where we are staying at the Hampton Inn, the first (and now the last) hotel on our journey. We took Sandy some flowers for her birthday and took the folks coffee and jelly donuts (their request). 

Ted and Mark in kitchen in Bridgewater

    The Clarity went in for a check-up as we've done over 10,000 miles.

    We were supposed to have doctor appointments in Boston at the dermatologist, but, after driving there, we found that they had been cancelled. We had the option to wait for several hours, but we decided not to wait, partly because Ted and Bev were going to visit that afternoon. And, they did come to visit and, as Alice said, it made it like a party. They brought tea and a variety of cheeses.

View from the porthole en route home

     On the 18th, we headed to Hyannis where Mark had an eye appointment. (He needs stronger glasses). As usual, we shopped for groceries and the car was FULL. We got take-out from Bangkok Kitchen and went to Keys Park in Hyannis and ate. It was a nice day and we saw the boat coming into the harbor.

     When we got home, we were pleasantly surprised to find that our tenants, Callie and Paul, had supplied us with dinner - so very thoughtful. We also found that we had NO water. Luckily, we had some bottles in the car, so could brush our teeth.



The next morning, we filled buckets with water from the hose at the cottage so that we had flushable toilets. And, Bob Ramos came over and got our water back after several hours in the crawl space. 

Barbara on her Christmas bike!

The island preparing for the Biden Thanksgiving visit


Beverly and Cal

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