Thursday, September 2, 2021

Starting a big trip to the West, Week One 8-24-8-29

     We left Nantucket on August 24. Hank was still working at the Juice Bar, so we waved goodbye to Hank, Willy and Maggie and set off. We are in the Honda Clarity and the miles when we started were 27,466 and the MPG were 87.6.

     First stop: Middlesex School in Concord where we stayed 2 nights. We went to Nashua to visit Barry and Celine for lunch on the 25th. Always great company and conversation.

Barbara, Celine, Barry

    Second stop: Westport, MA with Ted and Bev (and Owen) for a afternoon, evening, morning. We had a wonderful summer meal - corn on the cob, potato salad, fish and steak. 

    Third stop: Hampton Inn, Taunton MA. for 3 nights. The Clarity had to have a scheduled check up. We had breakfast with Matt and Maureen and Penelope. 


Penelope and Maureen

    On the 27th and 28th, we assisted in setting up for Cal and Alice's 75th Wedding Anniversary Party in the back yard. It was hot on the first day of set up, but then the weather cooled. Whew.

    The 75th Anniversary Party was a success. It started with Cal and Alice sitting under a tent with a huge helium 75 above it. They sat and waved as a parade of cars went by honking, led by John and Mark. People dropped off cards saying how they know them. Several dropped off cookies, flowers and baked goods. A representative from the State Senate stopped by to give them a citation. He said that they will also get a Resolution passed by the legislature which will go into the state's official history archives. They especially loved the one from the Vatican.


Waiting for the parade

  In mid-afternoon, there was a "tea party" in the garden for about 40 close friends and family. It all went smoothly and Cal and Alice were quite overwhelmed. They renewed their wedding vows with the local priest, too, which was touching.


Randall, Julia, Mark

Jecca and Grandma

Jecca came en route to picking up Willy, Hank and Maggie, plus a bike, at the boat. 

Otis just finished his first week of classes at Purdue and has already flown in a new plane.

Otis at Purdue

Cal and Mark

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