Tuesday, September 1, 2020

First Trip off Island since Pandemic - July 23-25 - based in Concord

    We took the early boat off on July 23. The new protocol is to stay in your vehicle, which we did. The only time we went upstairs was to use the bathrooms. We are in the truck. It is our first trip off the island and it feels surreal and weird. We are so used to being off island and doing shopping, for one.

    We drove directly to Bridgewater where we saw on the outside deck with Cal and Alice and Sandy. We went to Hanson's to get corn. That was also strange. Every shopper had a mask on, but the cashier did not. When we asked her about it, she was quite sarcastic, asking us, "Do I look worried?" Then we went back and had corn with the folks. 
    Afterwards we drove to Jecca's. They are at Great Wass. We are lucky as the heat broke en route and the apartment, which can be quite hot, was very comfortable. We slept in Hank's bedroom which has an a.c.

    The next morning, we drove to Pittsfield to visit with Nan and Jim and to see their new house. It was a lovely day. We love their house and they pulled out all the stops to give us an over-the-top lunch with crabcakes, broccoli salad, cole slaw, melon salad, corn on the cob. Everything was delicious and they gave us a big bag of peaches to take back with us to Concord. We took a nice walk around their new neighborhood with Boo and Quinn.

    The next day, we drove to Taunton to visit in Matt and Maureen's backyard. They had scones and muffins. Maureen has a sprained ankle. We watched their chickens which are quite entertaining. Four are "adolescents" and not yet laying eggs, but soon. Two are fully grown layers. 


 From there we 
went back to Bridgewater. It was too hot to sit outside, so we had to go into the t.v. room, which was a little alarming for us as we've been so quarantined. But, there was no choice, and we also saw Rob, Sandy and John while there. It was great to see Cal and Alice as they both look well.


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