Saturday, October 12, 2019

T Roosevelt Nat'l Park, October 3, 2019

   After eating in our room, we took off for the morning to tour Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We stopped in the visitor center first and got some cards/postcards to send. It was rather cloudy and chilly, but we saw animals almost immediately.
   Our first top - prairie dogs and then several coyotes came running to hunt them. (The prairie dogs sent out the alarm and none were caught.) We also saw some killdeer. (birds)
   We drove through the campground where we stayed in the past by the Little Missouri River with all the cottonwood trees.
   We saw several herds of bison and a herd of wild horses. We took several short walks, but most trails were rather slippery and wet.
    We took a break in town at a pretty terrible cafe, the Cowboy Cafe, where the owner inflicted her political views on us - anti- immigrant, anti-liberals etc etc. We laid low, ate and left.
    When we returned to the park, the sun had come out and the light was amazing. We saw lots of wildlife and took a few more hikes and took lots more photos.

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