Sunday, January 21, 2018

Last full day in NYC, January 19

  We decided to have a quiet day. We started by doing our laundry. (Free here.) Then we walked up 40th street to Muji, a Japanese store where Mark bought a shirt and Barbara bought 2 sweaters as we are a little short of shirts and....we liked them and  were a bargain, too.
   We went to the Drama Book Store where we ran into a Nantucketer, Eddie Yankow, who is here for an interview for a directing school in Luton, England. What are the odds? Then, a quick sushi lunch on 39th Street. We had hoped to meet up with Alex K, but she is in the midst of moving and we were having a quiet day.
Mark, Weldon, Patti, Barbara
For dinner, we walked to up 7th Avenue to around 55th Street where we met Patti and Weldon at a Greek restaurant, Molyvos. We had not seen Patti since they were married in 1984, so almost 34 years! It was so nice - conversation never lagged and the meal was great. (Lamb shanks, salad, moussaka, roasted vegetables, roasted chicken and wonderful spreads and bread.)

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