Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A few days in Missoula, Sept 13 and 14

  The big drama of these two days was Deniro consuming about a pound of grapes during the night. They can be highly toxic and deadly to dogs and he is puppy. David took him to the vets where they gave him a detox. The scary thing about grape poisoning is that it can take days to manifest itself, so even though he was active and normal, it did not mean that he was "out of the woods." So - there has been a lot of careful watching of him and he's had 2 blood tests. So far, so good, but very nerve-wracking.
Dinner on Discovery Way
   Maura's back is giving her issues after her fall last year, so she took some days of recuperating.
   We drove around Missoula, did some shopping and Mark made two wonderful dinners.
    Montana has had intense wildfires and the air has been very smoky.
    When we arrived, it was shorts weather, but the next two days were chilly and....on the 13th, there was actually rain which caused comments wherever we went as people are so happy to get rain after a very dry summer.
Mount Jumbo in Maura and David’s back yard. Steeper than it looks!

 The view from Jumbo toward their house which is in the distance.
Deniro, the grape eater

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