Monday, August 21, 2017

Visit to Norman and Jane in Newport Center, August

We went overnight to see Norman and Jane in Newport Center. (Jane retired this year, so...reason to celebrate!)

We drove to Brownington, Vermont to the Old Stone House, a very early grammar school where students boarded in an amazing stone building built by hand by their teacher, Alexander Twilight, the first person of African-American descent to graduate from college (Middlebury) and a very early African-American teacher. It was very interesting and including a hill and observation point overlooking the area.

Lake Memphremagog in the distance

Later we had a lovely meal and a campfire in their backyard.

The next day, we drove over the border crossing at Derby Line to Stanstead to have croissants, pastries and baguettes! We tested to see if Mark's passport has finally been fixed and...yay! it has. So, hopefully, we won't have to stop and be questioned every time we come back to the States. (Mark's passport was lost years ago)
Norman and Jane

And, the next day, we picked Hank up from Camp Billings at Lake Fairlee and drove to Bethel, Maine, where we met Jecca and Willy.
Hank and Charlie, a friend from Cabin 9

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