Sunday, April 2, 2017

Concord - Our last stop...and then...home.

  We had a lovely two-night visit in Concord. Jecca and Willy were on vacation which is always nice as they are relaxed.

  We had planned to stay till Sunday, but again, the weather intervened as a big coastal storm was predicted for Sunday when we had boat reservations.
     Our dilemma was that we had tickets for Hank's play, The Emperor's New Clothes and the Concord Youth Theatre sells out. But, we called and, in a stroke of good luck, someone had turned in two tickets. So, we were able to see the play. And, it blew us away it was so good.
Blurry - Hank in Emperor's New Clothes

    Willy spotted a bald eagle on Bateman's Pond and we all trekked down to look through the scope and binoculars. A deer had fallen through the ice and died and the eagle gingerly worked his way on the thin ice and tried and tried to drag the deer up on the ice. It was very interesting. The next day, after we had left, Willy reported two other eagles had joined the feast. (We also saw some beautiful wood ducks.)
Jecca and Mark on dock, Bateman's Pond

Bald Eagle attempting to get to deer carcass in pond

Otis is officially taller than Nana!
 Jecca made a lovely corned beef dinner for St. Patrick's Day including gingerbread cake - yum. (And, homemade buttermilk biscuits for breakfast!)
      We left on Saturday and had brunch in Middleboro with Matt Huberman at Dave's diner. We also got to see his apartment which was nice.

       In more good luck, we got on an earlier steamship after filling the car. It was nice to be home before dark and get the car unpacked.

      Total Miles on this trip: 4,677. Gas cost us: $266
Summation: This was a family-oriented trip overall. We spent quality time with Cal & Alice. We spent time with Michael and Nancy (only in Atlantic Beach - the first time we didn't get to Lake Worth). We helped Christina and Mike move. We saw all 4 of the grandchildren.
      We also did some research for Anna Gardner book - Library of Congress, Cedar Hill, New Bern, Camden. It was mostly to get photos and we were quite successful. Barbara also did quite a lot of editing.
         We are happy to be back home despite the weather. There is a lot to do on the island in the winter. We went to see a good TWN play, Mere Mortals, went to Town Meeting, saw NT Live's performance of The Tempest.  Mark is working hard on getting the cottage ready to rent after all the water damage. Barbara is finalizing her book.

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