Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 18 - Ottawa back to NH - stopped at the border

  After our last breakfast at the B & B, we said goodbye to the proprietors. I hope that we return here.
  We made good time driving, stopping for gas and a quick bite at a Tim Horton's.
   Before leaving Canada, we stopped again at the patisserie and got 4 croissants and a baguette. We got two of the croissants and the baguette for Jane and Norman.
   We decided to go through the small crossing at the Derby Line never fails, we did not make it through the U.S. border without being stopped. (This is due to Mark having lost his passport when we lived in England over 20 years ago.) But, it was not a long stop this time.
     We drove over to Norman's and dropped off the pastries and then drove home to N.H.
     A really, really good trip.

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