Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 26 - Dodging Juno and Delving into the National Archives

We got up early and were on the road by 7:10. Mark drove the entire way in spitting snow. The governor of NJ already had reduced speeds to 45 mph on the turnpike, but I can't say it was adhered to. We made very good time and arrived at the National Archives #2 in College Park Maryland by 10:30.

We had never been to those archives, but what a gorgeous building and facility. We renewed our research cards and went to the fifth floor where the photos are kept, or are at least catalogued. We selected a few Civil War photos for the book that Frank Morral, Mark and I are finalizing. We had to ask for one photo from the archives of the Acushnet, an IRS boat that is
key to one of the chapters that Frank is writing. The archives only "pulls" things you request at 10, 11,1, 2, 3. So, we had to wait for the 1 o'clock pull. So, we went to their cafeteria and ate. Then, when the photos came...no Acushnet. But, with help, we located the correct file and then had to wait for the 2 o'clock pull! But, then we were successful, although getting the copier to put the file on our flash drive also took another learning curve. But, we really had fun doing it all.

Then, we went to the hotel in Arlington where we are staying, The Virginian. We stayed here years ago. It is a hotel of suites and we have a huge room with a sitting area, table, separate kitchen and large bathroom. It is great. After we settled in, we went out to a Safeway, and came home and had a wonderful dinner of roast chicken, asparagus and salad.

Meanwhile, we have watched the impending storm looming over the NorthEast. Seven states declared a state of emergency and everyone is waiting.

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