Sunday, June 23, 2013

And...a wonderful last day! May 24

We woke to rain today.  But, it was not windy or particularly cold, probably in the 50s F.  We packed, cleaned the little studio and walked into and around Reykjavik.  We had hoped to go birding for several but the weather was not on our side.  So, we went for lunch at the Fish Company.  And, we may have had the best meal of the entire trip!  Just by accident, really.  It is in an underground cave like room.  Mark had been wanting lamb while we were in Iceland and he finally got some.  It is against the law to administer antibiotics to farm animals and all is grass fed.  So, he had an amazing roast lamb, but it was the accompaniments that were so good and creative...parsnip foam, kale and squash purée...  I had bluelink an Icelandic fish. It was very mild, but, again, it was what it came with, including kale, barley and...who knows what.  All delicious.  Bread with three spreads were included - dill butter, yogurty butter and a red pepper, chile jam.  We split a fish soup first with coconut milk, scallops, lobster, lemongrass and mushrooms.  The waitress was awesome and wrote down the ingredients for my meal, which was the fish of the day, which was very nice of her.  We were very pleased with our last lunch on this trip, endless to say.

Then, we did a little bit of birding in the spitting rain in Hafnir, a little village on the coast.  Less than 200 people.  We did not see many birds close up, but did see some eider, some whimbrels  in the fields, and arctic terns.

Then we returned the car and went to the airport which was rather crowded with four flights leaving within a ten minute span.  We felt really glad we had been outside birding and had had such a great lunch.  As usual, we spent all our last coins...mostly on candy for our family this time.

The flight was uneventful and overcast, but smooth.  It was our fourth flight on the 757 called Eyjfallajokull.  Each time, we had an aisle seat and a window seat as the woman who booked us said that we'd have a good chance of an empty middle seat.  On the previous three flights that had not happened, but on this, our longest flight of our trip, we lucked out and had three seats to ourselves which was nice.  And, I was very happy to have my Ikea pillow to sit upon.  I watched Skyfall, a James Bond movie and The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.  It passed the time.

We had a long wait for a train to Concord at North Station which was a bit of a drag. So, after landing, it took an extra three hours to get to Jecca and Willy's and we were really glad to be home.

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